Hullo (:

(,, ・∀・)ノ゛

Friday 25 January 2013


wow gjsdhf yes I am a little bit tipsy and wow it is fun to try and write like this ajfhkfjgfmnrgjdfkjrlkfggdfk
"ouviste Natwdnbf"

wait wut no

yes I'll leave noe bye
no siriouslry I'm fine we're just watching something very nasty and drinking caipirinha

wowzie I'll go now sfkgdflkjdfkjg

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Monday 31 December 2012

New Year

I never wrote a list with my New Year's Resolutions, for whatever reason it never seem fit.
I thought I had time, I thought there was no need for a list I wouldn't follow. But, as time goes by and I loose grasp of youth, I finally feel as though a list is in proper measure.
I don't want much, I don't need much.
When I was young I used to wish for one thing, and one thing only. Happiness.
It never came, except for moments I can no longer remember and photographs lost in time, burned by the heat of a never ceasing fire, time itself.
I'm not trying to sound poetic, or nice. I'm trying to look back on what I should have done, but didn't.
How many resolutions should one have? I wonder.
Five? Not enough for someone as flawed as myself.
Ten? That seems more fit.

  1. Improve my "art"
  2. Talk to my friends more, and make sure they know how much I treasure them
  3. Not be afraid of pursuing romantic options that may lay before me
  4. Feel better about myself
  5. Be more patient, far more patient than before
  6. Finish things, and not leave them perpetually unfinished 
  7. Get closer to my family
  8. Save money
  9. Get good grades
  10. Show those who belittle me, that I am not to be made fun of

Tuesday 13 November 2012

"Don't Open the Box"

Leave it, as it is, alone and haunted in the dark pit of a forgotten, sunken earth.
Leave it and don't look, don't feel as though you own it, don't think that you must have it.

It's a bad box, an evil box, a malefic box.
It's a bad thing and you should leave it alone.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Hello there, another day, another multimedia class

Working on a photo to identify my...self for a page about...myself.
Regardless, here's a fraction of my work.
(yada, from two different projects)

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Batman & Robin the new 52# (review??)

It's no secret there are a lot of negative reviews regarding DC's Batman & Robin the new 52# but, being the stupid prick I am, I had to go and give it a positive review...with a few complaints on the side.
So OK, some of the story ain't that interesting for people who have already read their fair share of Batman, and Batman & Robin comics, I myself included in that category since I've read quite a few, which roughly translates into a WHOLE LOT.
But yeah.
I'm going off point here.
The story is beautiful when you realize that hey, it's not just about Batman being awesome, it's not just about him being this solid rock. He's human, he's a father, and Damian is one very troubled child.
Issue 1# to 8# for example, I genuinely cried. Damian's reaction when he kills nobody, to protect his father, "his castle".
I'm a sucker for genuine moments between characters, and Bruce and Damian's father and son moments are troubled, heavy with emotions...but real.
Damian for example is tied up with Jason as my favourite Robin, maybe I like damaged goods, but I love seeing in depth writing and artwork about them.
There's one thing I have to point out though, for those of you who get bored, try and think of it like this: see the huge amount of new comic book fans in the last two/three years? Yeah, some of them used to complain about how hard it was to start reading Batman since they didn't know how or where to start, with the new 52# they get a clean start and a new way to enjoy the comics.
I wasn't so happy about it either, but hey, we gotta make sacrifices.
And I know I may sound like a complete moron, like a hideous, horrible fan, but actually...I'm just open minded to things.
Seriously Tim?? You're a peacock now? and what the fudge is wrong with their pseudo tron like lights...stuff...whatever???
I mean, no offense to those of you who like it ain't my cup of tea.
Again, going off topic.
One thing I was extremely upset about was the lack of issues about "The War of the Robins". They could have turned that into an epic, awesome comic about Damian going after each previous Robin, but they...didn't. And with Tomasi's writing, which I really enjoy...maan, it would've been great.
BUT, no can do.
Which leads me to terminus. I would've enjoyed to know more about his background story, and it saddened me that we didn't because in the end, it left a lot of unanswered questions regarding his past and where the hell he acquired all that damned tech.
And Batman's suit...whatthefudgewasthat?
I get it, it's all nice and...shiny but, the whole suit disintegration scene was...too much for my poor little heart to take.
I didn't like that scene.
BUT I did like when Jason caught Damian with his hip (?).
It was kind of cool.

Regardless, I have a lot of opinions and feelings about Batman, having been a fan of him ever since I was small so, as a result, I enjoy Batman & Robin the new 52# just as much as I've enjoyed a few previous issues.
Regardless of the repetition, regardless of Batman's Iron Man suit, and regardless a few more things that don't make a whole lot of sense, it's still a great comic, with beautiful art by Pat Gleason and nice writing by Tomasi (:

No need to say, but Grant Morrison is still my all time favourite.

Monday 5 November 2012

Dipper Pines (or how I'd like to cosplay him)

It's no secret I like to add realism to my cosplay, be it in the wearing of the costume, the makeup, wig or the general look. Making the characters I hold so dear looking like they came from a normal day in their endless adventures, that's my dream.
But, I ain't too good at it...which doesn't necessarily mean I'll stop, because I won't.
Dipper Pines is yet another victim of my cosplay projects, and here I'll elaborate on how I'll cosplay him, with my signature mark.

1# Clothing, how does it work and how would it look irl?
This is where I come in at full strength, I really like to add little things to costumes that will, hopefully, add realism to them.
For once, dipper's vest look really...voluminous, like it would look a bit big, making him look smaller and slightly more adorable "aww, you sneeze like a kitten".
He would kill me for this though ;-;
So for his vest, I'm going full strength...or full volume? no idea.
His t-shirt is another issue, it seems that a lot of people cosplay him with an orange one, but I see red in it only me?? The perfect colour, in my opinion, would be an orange-y red.
Shorts...and that's where I'm having a bit of trouble myself.
I like the idea of him having torn shorts...but that just might make him look silly, so I was actually thinking of doing them in a light coloured blue wash, jeans, cut and then sewn into place.
Which is what I'm working on, at the current, present, holding time.

2# does his hair work...really??
In my opinion, slightly curly, boy messy and colour accurate would be perfect.
Still working on that since I ain't got the wig yet, but Arda has a style I'm eyeing for him ~

3# Makeup, how does one makeup???
In his case? simple, boyish, NATURAL and character accurate.
I would totally enhance my nose making it slightly redder, I would also add a bit of makeup to my eyes to make them look like his, which would roughly translate in adding/exaggerating his expression lines below the eyes.

Cosplay is meant to be a lot of fun and awesome, so have fun! Be awesome!
And no matter how you tackle a character, give it your best and do it according to your beliefs, one's opinion is vital to one's look.